Rest in the Righteousness of Christ

Like lighting one small candle to supplement the sun, Is adding man's weak merit to what our Lord has done; For He the books of heaven has cleared by His blood, Our righteousness is in Him, His name the Son of God. - William Williams

A few months ago, I was in a bad state. Suffering under the weight of condemnation, I questioned everything that was “spiritual” about me. I listened to messages and testimonies to determine if I was really saved. I suffered silently and was consistently living in fear due to the state of my soul. The drive to work every morning was particularly painful, and it was there that I decided there was no hope for me. My joy in Christ melted into the fear of judgment from a Holy God, because every time I looked at the state of my own obedience in the sanctification process, I was sorely lacking. Every time I sinned, I thought that God was disappointed in me. I thought He merely tolerated me and was disgusted with everything I did.

Everything came to a boiling point one night at a bible study, where I mentioned disdain for my own lack of prayer. A woman preached to me the good news afresh, not as though I was hearing it for the first time, but to bring absolution and consolation to my weary soul. You see, the gospel is for christians too. So much so, that we must be consistently reminded of it, lest we fall into the pit of guilt, condemnation, and despair.

The one thing that this woman mentioned to me that freed me from my bondage of condemnation was the righteousness that was freely given to me by faith. This righteousness met the legal demands of God’s law and is imputed to all believers by faith.  Christ’s very life of perfect obedience is credited to all believers as righteousness. My hope in writing this, is not just to remind you of what you already know about the gospel, but to show that the very doctrines that we so often assume, are what fuels the fire of rest, of faith, and of obedience motivated by gratitude rather than fear.  As Paul famously wrote in Romans 10:17, “so then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God”, may the declaration of Christ produce new faith afresh.

I hear constantly the need for believers to fix our eyes on Christ. These are very wise instructions because there is no way that we can find any assurance or rest from our weariness in constant naval gazing.  Out of your own weakness fix your eyes on the obedient and faithful Son with whom the Father is well pleased.  Out of your despair and heaviness from meriting favor before God by attempting to keep the law, look to Christ who obeyed this very law perfectly in your place.  Out of fear of punishment from sin, look to Christ “who for the joy that was set before Him, endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God” (Hebrews 12:2).

Look upon that cross and behold the Lamb, slain to satisfy divine justice in the place of the sinner. Out of the trial of temptation, look to the second Adam who was also tempted in every way and triumphed over satan in your place. My sisters, all that is needed for life in godliness is found in the Risen Son of glory. We need not look to anything within ourselves to justify us, but to Christ’s perfect righteousness. The greatest consolation that a Christian can have while battling trials, depression, temptation, weakness, grief, and despair is to know that God is both the just and the justifier of the ungodly (Romans 3:26).

The cure for a weak, droopy, and doubting faith is to fix our eyes on the one who is “able to save to the uttermost those who draw near to God through him, since he always lives to make intercession for them.” (Hebrews 7:25) That last line brings me to my knees. He makes intercession for us!  Our flesh and Satan’s accusations cause us to believe that the Father’s underlying disposition towards us is merely tolerance, mixed with disgust. Yet the truth tells us that out of love, the Father willingly gives His Son to fulfill all the requirements of the law in our place. The Father is satisfied and well pleased with Christ, and we are hidden in Him.

When the Father sees you, He sees the perfect obedience of the His faithful Son. You are clothed in His righteousness, united to Him by faith. Enter the rest of God.  For Christ says, “Come to Me all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light” (Matthew 11: 28-30).

I pray the truth of His words would fill your heart with confidence and joy. Know the safety and security of Christ as you continue to wrestle over sin. No spiritual harm can come to those united to Christ by faith. His favor over you never wanes, for He has perfectly made provision for you in every way. His life is your cloak, His death is your freedom. He took your sins as His own and granted His life to you as though you never sinned. This was the Father’s will from the very beginning, and by this may you stand.


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