Come Let us Love and Sing and Wonder!

"Come Let us Love and Sing and Wonder!
  Let us praise the Savior's name!
  He has hushed the law's loud thunder!
  He has quenched Mt. Sinai's flame!
  He has brought us near to God!"

The first time I had ever heard the lyrics to this song was when driving and listening to a radio podcast (White Horse Inn). The lyric left an indelible mark on me. I love music! Especially music that points to the wonders of the Gospel and this particular song was no different. A few months later we even sang it in church. I wanted to take the time to pick out which lyric intrigued me the most:

He has hushed the Law's loud thunder

I am one who has a very sensitive conscience and even at the slightest infraction, my mind immediately questions the validity of my faith. I have come to learn that this is due to the Law. The Law of God is good and right. It reveals the will of God and His holiness.  When God placed Adam in the garden of Eden, He gave Adam a command with the promised curse of death - should he disobey "Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die" Genesis 2: 16-17.

Of course we know the end of the story - Adam who was created with the ability to obey God's Law perfectly, plunged headlong into disobedience and rebellion by eating of the fruit of the tree. He as the federal representative of the human race, brought the rest of us with him in his rebellion. We are guilty just as he was. We are born curved inward, guilty, corrupt, and as haters of God - not just by action, but also nature. And so the good and perfect law of God thunders down on us the reality of the just condemnation from a Holy Judge.

Jesus hushed the Law's loud thunder. He has quenched Mt. Sinai's flame! He lived a human life under the weight of he law and upheld it perfectly in thought, word, and deed. Where many unfortunately see His law-keeping as just an example that believers must emulate, I have learned that His life meant so much more than that. His life quenched the legal demands of condemnation that comes from my inability to keep it perfectly, and hushed the Law's thunder by His death. He earned righteousness for His people, and was crushed by the wrath of God in place of His people. Three days later He rose from the dead destroying the curse and sting of death. For those who trust in this perfect law keeper, the promise of everlasting life is restored to them. Where Adam failed in our place, Jesus succeeded in our place. "For God has done what the law, weakened by the flesh, could not do. By sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and for sin, he condemned sin in the flesh, in order that the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit" Romans 8: 3-4.

So with this wonderful news what should we, who are now hidden in Christ, do in response?:

"Come Let us Love and Sing and Wonder!
Let us praise the Savior's name!
He has hushed the Law's loud thunder!
He has quenched Mt. Sinai's flame!
He has brought us near to God!

Let us love the Lord who bought us.
Pitied us when enemies.
Called us by His grace and taught us.
Gave us ears and gave us eyes
He has washed us with His blood
He presents our souls to God

Let us sing through fierce temptation
Threatens hard to bear us down
For the Lord our strong salvation,
Holds in view the conqueror's crown
He who washed us with His blood
Soon will bring us home to God

Let us wonder grace and justice
Join and point to mercy's store
When through grace in Christ our trust is
Justice smiles and asks no more.
He who washed us with His blood
Has secured our way to God.

Let us praise and join the chorus
Of the saints enthroned on high
Here they trusted Him before us
Now their praises fill the sky
Thou hast washed us with His blood!
Thou art worthy Lamb of God!

Yes we praise Thee gracious Savior.
Wonder, love and bless thy Name.
Pardon, Lord our poor endeavor
Pity for Thou knowest our frame.
Wash our souls and songs with blood
For by Thee, we come to God"

- Song lyrics written by John Newton.


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