
Comfort For Those Who Struggle With Singleness

I will be 35 years old by the end of May. I have spent most of my adult life single. and have gone through both seasons of contentment and longing.  I have also had my share of dating experiences and heartbreak.  Prolonged singleness as a Christian is not easy to endure. I know I have personally felt lonely, inadequate, unattractive, and unsure of where my place was in the church. Yet throughout everything that I have faced in my singleness, God has always been faithful and present. Throughout the years He has reminded me of the below truths as a means of comfort and consolation. I hope they would be an encouragement to you as well.  As A Christian, you belong to God and are adopted into His family " What do you believe concerning the holy catholic (universal) Christian church?  Answer: I believe that the Son of God, out of the whole human race, from the beginning of the world to its end, gathers, defends, and preserves for himself, by His Spirit and Word, in the uni...

The Name He Gives

  "And If He has redeemed me, I am not my own. The measure of my worth is His love alone. He declares my standing and He declares my state. So I will know myself by the name He gave..." - I am Not My Own - Keith & Kristyn Getty & Skye Peterson  I found this picture of myself a few months ago. I immediately was drawn to it. I think it is because I am able to look at this little girl objectively. My childhood memories are fuzzy. There are a lot of things that my mind has subconsciously blocked out in order to insulate myself from the weight of painful memories. The process of finding this picture and staring at it curiously was very disorienting for me. However, God's providence led me to see it and really look at the little girl in this picture.  I often like to joke that I was named after a dog. My parents had a dog named Joy before I was born. I personally feel that they didn't really name me after the dog, but something about knowing that there was a dog Joy...

Safety in Grief

  “Mine are tears in times of sorrow. Darkness not yet understood. Through the valley I must travel where I see no earthly good. But mine is peace that flows from heaven and a help in times of need. I know my pain will not be wasted, Christ completes His work in me ” -   Christ is Mine Forevermore - CityAlight The past few months have been very difficult for me. However, I have also learned that I am deeply loved by my family, my friends, and my God. That knowledge has carried and sustained me. This Thanksgiving I find myself feeling grateful. I am solemnly grateful because I am aware that not all of my brothers and sisters in Christ are able to rejoice this season. The Holiday season is hard for so many, and my heart breaks for you as I think about all of the pain you are carrying this year. I am so sorry. I don't want this post to be about the need for gratitude as a Christian because I think the sting of that obligation might be too difficult to bear for some who will read ...

The Christian's Daily Affirmation

  "Hear my cry, O God, listen to my prayer; from the earth I call to you when my heart is faint.  Lead me to the rock that is higher than I, for you have been my refuge, a strong tower against the enemy" (Psalm 61:1-3) Introspection & Chaos.... I have been on an introspection hamster wheel the past few months. The introspection isn't because I think that I am not saved, but more of an evaluation of my character and who I am as a person. It has been painful evaluating myself in the light of God's law and even other people's perceptions of me. What I have come to discover is that I find value and safety in seeking approval from people through what I can do for them. It has been really hard to realize that in many ways I still struggle with defining my worth and value in trying to be all things to all people. Processing this truth has caused me to struggle with maintaining an inner sense of stability and well being.  This unsettled reality makes me feel as though...

The Fear of Being Fully Known

"But this Mediator whom the Father has appointed between himself and us, ought not terrify us by his greatness, so that we have to look for another one according to our fancy. For neither in heaven nor among the creatures on earth is there anyone who loves us more than Jesus Christ does" - Snippet from Belgic Confession Article 26 Since it has pleased God to give us his Son as our Intercessor, let us not leave him for another- or rather seek, without ever finding. For when God gave him to us he knew well that we were sinners." - Snippet from Belgic Confession Article 26 CityAlight released the rest of their album last week. Once again they hit the ball out of the park when it comes to their simple and profound lyrics. When I love a song, I tend to listen to it on repeat until I get tired of it. Their song "Known & Loved" was wonderful. The lyrics made me stop and really think about what it means to be fully known and loved by God.  My favorite lyric was th...

"I Stand in the Gospel of Jesus Christ"

"There is one gospel to which I cling. All else I count as loss. For there, where justice and mercy meet, he saved me on the cross. No more I boast in what I can bring. No more I carry the weight of sin. For he has brought me from death to life. I stand in the Gospel of Jesus Christ!" - CityAlight  CityAlight released a new single called "There is One Gospel"   this past Friday. I have been listening to this song on repeat. The lyrics are wonderfully simple and deeply rich. The last lyric for each stanza is, "I stand in the Gospel of Jesus Christ'.  I have been thinking the past few days about what that means. What does it mean for Christians to be able to stand in the Gospel of Jesus Christ?  Stand in Christ's Righteousness  To stand in the Gospel of Jesus Christ as a Christian means to stand in His righteousness. It is to understand that everything that He has earned for us in his living is now ours by faith.  We believers, who have been regenerated ...

Assurance & Particular Redemption - Does Believing Particular Redemption Hurt Assurance?

Disclaimer: I know that this topic is very controversial and complicated.  If you already oppose this view, please know that I am not sharing this to try and change your mind. I am quite happy to agree to disagree amicably. This post is a result of thinking through the linked chart's implications, and is not meant to be an exposition on whether or not the doctrine of particular redemption is biblical.  I will include links at the end of this post to the materials I found valuable in helping me to think through this.   It has been a while since my last post that addressed the Reformed emphasis on the third use of the law. This  post will address the  implication of  how believing Limited Atonement ( I like using the term Particular Redemption) might impact my assurance. You can find the chart my friend made here for more context as well as my last post here .  Limited Atonement (Christ died only for the elect). Implication: How do I know Christ di...